Thursday, November 28, 2013

Just a general update, as well as a few questions from my readers

So to start off... I'm actually fairly pleased with how the reception of Kushina's Wife Test has turned around so far :) Anyone who's stuck around has started to understand what I'm aiming for, and I'm starting to be more willing to work on it now. As a matter of fact (Among some other works of mine), I'm even knee-deep in the third chapter right now!

However, there is a certain FF user by the name of God-ShadowEx100 who made me sick with his evaluation of my work. And I quote:

"This garbage has been reported for adult content and the fact hinata is a useless whore. This story will be reported until your bitch ass is banned and your story removed from this site."
-God-ShadowEx100's review of KWT ch1

What a dick -___- However, I would advise against anyone who might be reading this from spamming or attacking him for such behavior. As much as I can admit that he would deserve such hatred for attacking not just me, but also many, many other works, it's pathetic to attack someone for such actions, as you're just doing exactly what he's been doing, and that's incredibly pathetic and foolish. 

And I'm not telling you about this guy so that you can attack him; I'm telling you because he's flatout stated that he seeks to have my story taken down, and if it is, it's probably because of this dude. Will I get banned like he wants? Doubtful, and straight-up improbable, but I have seen FF take down some works simply because they were reported by petty assholes like this one, so I just want you all to be aware of what may or may not happen.

Again, do NOT spam him, or even show him any regard. He's just a pathetic hater who seems to put pathetic amounts of time into trying to take down works of fanfiction. As much of a dick as he may be, he is NOT worth the time or effort, and you're only giving him attention he doesn't deserve by bearing your fangs at him.

But hey! Responding to one hater is hardly the reason that I'm posting this update! So let's get into that, shall we? But first, here's a random sexy image to break up all the boring text! =P


First of all, I want to ask a few questions that I would very much like answers to in regards to the fanfiction contest mentioned in the two previous updates (If you don't know what I'm talking about, just check out the update before this one, or the one before that).

-First, I've heard some comments of discomfort with the image that I presented to base the contest entries around (again, check out the previous update, you'll see what I mean), and looking through their eyes, I can't say I blame those people too much; it depicts Hinata, a character that many love, being chained to a post with two insertions in both of her... lower areas. Yeah, sexy though it is, it's kinda hard not to think of dark thoughts when trying to write something about an image like that. In addition, it may possibly be going a little overboard on my part when this is the first contest on this blog, so... that brings me to my big question.

Should a different image with more comfortable subject matter be used in place of the current one? 

-My second question is in regards to the contest premise as a whole. Is there anyone who's legitimately interested in taking part in any of these contest? Is there something about this that you're unsure of? Is there something about the contest rules or concept that you think needs being changed? Please, share your thoughts! I honestly don't know if anyone's reading what I'm writing, nor do I feel like any of my work, especially in the blog, is being noticed by enough people, beyond simply my regular correspondents.

Lastly, I would like to make a note that I do wish that more people express an interest in these contests. Not just because I like the idea of it, but because I have a genuine interest in seeing first hand the creativity of my reviewers. It pleases me that there are people out there who appreciate my work and the time and effort I put into it, and I'm deeply interested in seeing their own sense of creativity. I may call it a 'contest' all the time, but really, I just want everyone to have a fun time writing! 

This is all meant to be in good fun, not a competition, and just the idea of how many possibilities for stories can come out of one depiction honestly excites me! So to see so few responses showing interest in this story writing concept is really disappointing :/ Well, anyways, moving onto our last item on the agenda....
(PS: Yes, I'm using sexy pictures as breaks between topics from now on! =P)

I'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing to say that I was going to be making a sequel to SE:AMS in its later chapters, because it's one of the few things I've heard about over the past year.

Don't get me wrong! I'm not angry at anyone for this, to the contrary, it's rather pleasing to know so many people care so much. But you've gotta understand; the only reason there hasn't been a sequel, aside from the prototype pilot chapter I posted all the way back in June, is because I've been spending my free time outside of my job, other fics, life, etc etc, working on the definitive SEquel, and bringing everyone something really special. 

But, just like SE:AMS, I can't make it happen without you, the readers! And that's the point about the SEquel that I would like your attention on.

I'm holding an open casting for any and all OCs for this story!

Yeah, I might have said that I'm open to featuring OCs in future chapters, but I'm saying that if we're talking about having a class full of qualified Shinobi learning Erojutsu, then it's absurd to think that absolutely everyone from Anko's sex ed class will be the only contenders; while they'll be seen, not all of the canon characters can realistically be in her class (seriously, does Sasuke seem the type to take Erojutsu seriously enough to want to learn about it? From a teacher he's not a big fan of, no less?). So, I'm willing to recruit any willing OCs! 

Just so you know, I do still have final say over how important that character is, how often we see him/her, and whether or not he/she will even be added to the story; if I decide that I can't/won't use the character, that's NOT meant to be an insult to you, or to say your creativity is unwelcome; I have a plan in motion for my story, and whether or not I include an OC, and/or how much I use them is solely a matter of how well that OC fits into said plans (or not). But don't let whatever my plan may be stop you from introducing me to your original character! I like meeting new people :)

So, if you've read the prototype SEquel pilot, you might remember Anko handing out a questionnaire to her students, so that they could introduce themselves to her. Well, I want you all to introduce your OCs in much the same manner, using the questionnaire below.

Full Name:

Male, Female, or other

Current age and rank:

Notable skills (chakra affinity, notable jutsu, signature weapons, etc):

What is your sexual orientation?
Straight, Homosexual, Bisexual, or other

Do you have any prior sexual experience?
Yes or No

If yes, how many partners have you had?
1-2, 3-10, 10-50, or 50+

Are you in a significant relationship? If yes, list full name(s) below:

And after filling out this information, please inform me of the character's personality, notable traits, etc. Basically, anything you can tell me about the character beyond the scope of this questionnaire.

Lastly, while I am open to seeing whatever OCs you have to introduce to me, I will say that there are a few things that I would rather NOT be seeing:

1) No show stealers! Like I said, I'm only accepting characters that will fit into my plans, so if you're making a character with the intention of making him/her stealing the show, you're kinda making the character for the wrong reason. In case you need clarification, these are just a few OC tropes that are better avoided: Having an incredibly wide variety of overpowered skills, being the most popular and perfect boy/girl in the village, having no notable shortcomings, and being perfectly adept at everything he/she is involved in.

2) No canon character pairing/love interest characters. While I have a personal peeve with OCs that are specifically meant to be romantic material for a canon character, they're off limits for more important reasons; I may or may not have plans for some canon characters later on down the road, and having said characters be deadlocked in a romantic relationship with an OC is a good way to interfere with said plans. Please note! This does NOT mean that OC x Canon interactions (and by interactions, I mean sex :P) are a total non-option; it just means that no OCs can form a significant relationship with canon characters, esp if they're created with such relationship right from the start.

3) No sex gods/goddesses. Yes, I know, this is a series all about the erotic arts, and there are some that accel at them, but keep in mind, this is a class teaching all things erotic and more, so to have every student be studly men with foot-long dongs and sexy bitches with perfectly giant boobs and butts, who allure every man and woman they meet, would just make everything go really stale really fast. And keep in mind that Anko's the only sex goddess in this series :P

4) Uninspired characters. Please, be creative everyone! Think of this opportunity as a means of advertising your OC, and not as a means of getting your name in the Author's Notes of another writer's story.

  Now, here are some things that I WOULD like to be seeing (And no, I'm not JUST talking about women like Rangiku above =P)

1) People who aren't entrenched into the sexual arts. Remember SE:AMS, and how fun interaction between sexual deviant Anko and sexually ignorant Naruto was? Yeah, the SEquel's not going to be nearly that fun if the only ones in this class are people with sexual prowess near Anko's level. So, I'd be very much interested in seeing some virgins in this class (Of course, they won't be virgins for very long! ;P), both physically AND mentally inexperienced. Shy characters aren't required, though they are very much welcomed ^^

2) A great variety, not just in numbers of characters and personalities, but also in genders and orientations. Yeah, anyone who knows me knows that I can't get enough Yuri, but that aside, there's not going to be much that Anko can teach, if we don't see enough straight girls, or, for that matter, any men! I'm not much for Yaoi, and I'd rather avoid it if I can, but in this case, I can't, and if I don't teach about homosexuality in both men and women, that'd completely defeat the point of this series; being that sexuality of ALL backgrounds will be taught. So yeah, lesbian girls, every bit as welcome as before, just know that if you have any male OCs/ideas for OCs, don't be afraid to share them with me.

3) Stay as true to Naruto canon as you possibly can. In other words, I'd like to see characters that I can believably see in the actual series. Don't take that to mean that you should be emulating personalities from other canon characters, or make said character a relative of some kind to a canon character. I just want to see OCs that are creative, and yet not so outlandish that I can't reasonably see them fitting in with the world around them.

4) Variation in ranking and age. Remember, this is set at the start of Part 1, so there are probably going to be very few characters who graduated from the current year of the academy, meaning that the number of 12-year-old Genin should be kept to a strict minimum. Though, conversely, the number of Jounin (no matter the age), should also be kept in check. Like I said, I really just want as big of a variety of students from all possible standpoints as possible.

Well, that's all for now. Please, give me your thoughts on ALL these matters that I've brought up with you in the comments below. And if you have any OCs you'd like to donate for the SEquel, please send them via PM to my FF account, and not the comments.


  1. I wouldn't mind a more lighter pic for the contest to take place. However, with all that's on my plate, I think I'll only invest some time into my entry if I see some others joining in too. Don't want to fanart contest allover again.
    As far as OCs go. I think I shared with you all the Naruto ones I care to contribute. However, you never know when more ideas com popping into my head. ;)

  2. Alright, double OC!

    Full Name: Akane (no last name)

    Gender: Female
    Male, Female, or other

    Current age and rank: 16, chunin

    Notable skills (chakra affinity, notable jutsu, signature weapons, etc):
    Skilled in Kenjutsu, especially effective when working with her lover and team-mate, other than that just a slightly above average chunin. Fetish weapon : a katana with a special power : it cuts quite well. Good cook, but she can't fish or hunt for the life of her.

    What is your sexual orientation?
    Straight, Homosexual, Bisexual, or other

    Straight, bi-curious.

    Do you have any prior sexual experience?
    Yes, though recent.

    If yes, how many partners have you had?

    Are you in a significant relationship? If yes, list full name(s) below:
    Hayate Okami.

    Other than that, she's a bubbly, happy girl with an overall positive outlook on life. She's also a bit childish.

    And now, for the second OC.

    Full Name: Hayate Okami


    Current age and rank: 16 chunin

    Notable skills (chakra affinity, notable jutsu, signature weapons, etc):
    Skilled in Kenjutsu, especially when working with his team-mate and lover, uses his blade, a katana with the ability to make its bearer look positively awesome when striking a pose. Especially useful to impress little children. Other than that, he is kage level in the awesomely powerful art of embroidering, and can make incredibly poisonous (and fluorescent) goo with a campfire, a pan and a few rations. Strangely, he was banned from cooking. He also have the ability to pull roses from Log knows where to perform a romantic scene with Akane.

    What is your sexual orientation?

    Do you have any prior sexual experience?
    Yes, though recent.

    If yes, how many partners have you had?

    Are you in a significant relationship? If yes, list full name(s) below:

    Other than that, Hayate is an amiable guy, a bit on the calm side.

    1. Could you please put this information in a PM to my FF account (The Digger)? Or in an E-Mail to
