Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Current state of "Kushina's Wife Test", and Possible Contest idea

So, it's been a while since I've done one of these, so I figure I should bring people up to speed on what's been going on with me these past few days, and the current state of affairs with my writings.

First of all, while I wanted to have the second chapter to my latest work, "Kushina's Wife Test", completed as soon as possible, it will be a while before I can even begin working on it again; You see, a few days ago, my computer was taken to the shop to be fixed and upgraded, and at best, I'll have it back within about a week. This essentially means that I'm currently without an effective means of making ANY of my writings. And that sucks! I've been getting by using my phone, and at nights, borrowing another computer, the latter of which is the reason I've been able to bring you this news.

So, unfortunately, to anyone waiting for the next chapter, I'm afraid your in for a little bit of a wait :/ And to anyone who hates this story because of incest, and/or "cheating", I have a few words to you regarding how mistaken you and your thoughts on my work are!

Ah, but that's a rant for another day! Today, I have some more pleasant news.

I've had an idea for a small contest of sorts that this blog can hold every now and then! And anyone who can read this is eligible! =P

The rules are simple: I present an image to you, and your goal is to write a one-shot that in some way involves that image.  While this first contest is more of a test than anything, to see if these contests are something worth pursuing, or even holding, I do ask that as many people give their feedback as possible, and give me any questions that they have regarding this idea.

There are only a few guidelines to these contests that apply:

1) As noted, the one-shot MUST in some way involve the picture presented. If I can't find any likeness to the picture in your writings, it will be disqualified.

2) Use proper spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. I can forgive minor typos, but I won't accept any work that doesn't acknowledge the structure of the English language.

3) All entries should contain a minimum of 3000, and maximum of 9000 words (I can excuse it if you're a tiny bit over the max). Just a guideline so that I don't get any entries that are either too big or too small.

4) I would appreciate that some fetishes like vore, inflation, weight gain, foot, and other such kinks be excluded. I realize these fetishes are popular among some gatherings, but this isn't such a gathering, and as such, I would appreciate that such things be avoided.

5) You're free to have as mature of content as you want (these are some mature pics I'll be using, after all =P), so have fun!

Other than these rules, you're free to write whatever you want for these contests!

A minimum of 5 entries will be necessary for each of these contests, and the winner gets a free oneshot fanfic commission from me. And hopefully this one WON'T take over a year to fulfill =P (Seriously, though, I will try to the best of my power to have it finished at an acceptable time).

You're free to write and post your story on any site or by any means necessary, but no matter the site, be sure to post a link to your story in the comments below. Otherwise, I might never know of your entry's existence. 

Now that the rules have been established, the first contest can begin! Here is the picture that your story should be based upon:

 (Note: I do NOT own this image! This image was created and owned by SlaveToons and Palcomix)

Now that I've provided the basis for your contest entries, the rest is up to you! ^^ I look forward to seeing what you can show me!

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to ask! I will gladly answer any inquiries you may have, either regarding the current contest, or the concept of these contests as a whole.

Oh, and one last thing, just because there's probably at least one or two people (In other words, everyone who ever sees my blog! :P) who might be wondering; Yes, I will allow you to make your entry set in the realm of SE:AMS, just as long as you credit me for doing so.